Take part in a 4-part Gratitude Yoga Series this November. Each week will focus on a different theme including Grit, Gentleness, Growth, and Grace – all with a focus on Mind, Body, Spirit, and Community. Class will consist of reflection, yoga and sound meditation. To fully immerse yourself in this experience, it is recommended to attend all four sessions. Join Flowtious Soul Yoga and GTA Fitness for a transformative journey towards gratitude and appreciation.
Week 1 Mind:
Grit: firmness of mind or spirit : unyielding courage
Week 2 Body:
Gentleness: the quality of being kind and careful.
Week 3 Spirit:
Growth: the process of developing or maturing physically, mentally, or spiritually.
Week 4: Community
Grace: making the choice to interact with the world – and yourself – with goodwill and
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